Personal Best

The Christmas season and the end of the school term started well for me. Close to the end of school closing my computer teacher, Ms. Hutchinson encouraged my class to submit an entry to an ICT competition which was put on by URCA. It turned out my entry was a winnerrrr! and I was sooooo excited. Btw ICT means Information and Communication Technology and URCA means Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority. My drawing was selected from 186 entries, this was awesome. I won a huge trophy, an ipad, portable charger to go with it, all this came in a handy drawstring bag with more goodies including a laptop bag and tickets to the Bahamas International Film Festival. I tell the story in the form of a poem below.

It was the evening before my entry was due
I thought that most people gave in a few.
This was my last chance to submit my poster.
My head kind of felt like a roller coaster.
I had not yet started.
I was sure I wanted to enter.
I know my drawing is ready for paper

I finally got started, my father and I brainstormed the topic which was "How can technology help our school life?" We drew ideas on my mini white board to see all the things related to computers and technology that were used in the classroom, then how they can relate to the brain.

I chose my vibrant colors,
because they are pretty.
Now I am ready,
'Cause I finally put my illustration on paper.
I gave it to my teacher and what a surprise,
it looks like in return I won a big prize!

My work didn't go to waste.
I heard my mom say "Pick up the pace!"
I was in a ceremony to receive a grand prize
I whispered to my mom "I can't believe my eyes"
Many folks were staring
As the crowd started cheering

An ipad, a check, a backpack and more
Even some tickets to movies galore.
In my hand I held a trophy
and that is the end of my winner story.

That weekend was a blast!! On Friday was the ceremony where I was shocked to find out I won, the next day, Saturday, the winners were invited to Bahamas at Sunrise, only thing not so nice was I had to wake up around 5 o'clock!! since we had to be there by 6:15 am for the show. The sun didn't even rise. The afternoon of the same Saturday my mom and I participated in an acting and movie making workshop at the Bahamas International Film Festival, awesome! The story was also in The Nassau Guardian and the Punch.

Christmas had really started of well.

I would personally encourage every kid to submit entries to competitions like this and just give their best work.

Thanks to URCA for all the good stuff, my parents and all those people who sent congratulations through my mommy and daddy's Facebook accounts. A special thanks to my Heavenly Father for all my successes.

My computer teacher, Mrs Hutcheson

Me receiving my huge trophy, two ministers, board member and CEO of URCA

My mom and dad

My family and teacher with former Speaker of the House of Assembly Dr. Kendall Major and family.
 His daughter also won a trophy and prizes.

A day with my father

Last night before going to bed my father asked me what I wanted to do today. The thought had crossed my mind for a while now to witness the sunrise from the beach. Perhaps from the water, but that's pushing it.

At that time of planning it wasn't working out since mommy had to be dropped of to school and 7 am was really early for her to be at school. We decided we'll try it on the weekend. So this morning I was kind of surprised when my daddy knocked on my door and asked if I was still interested. Of course I was.

We hastily packed only a few snacks and towels and I was beach ready. Everyone was out the house and on the road by 6:45. Half an hour would be a short time to drop off and make it to the beach, but it was worth a try. It was getting brighter in the east. Traffic lights and long lines did not make it easier.

Awesome. We caught the sunrise.

It was awesome, the wind was a bit chilly but the sun was just beginning its day's journey. We had made it. The day was going well.

We drove to another beach to avoid the direct wind.

Couldn't wait, the water was calling.

A little chilly but good.

My sand castle

My daddy had to interrupt my fun because he knew I would have been hungry so we went to the Hilton for breakfast. That was good, I had pancake, bacon, a croissant, fruits and tea. My daddy had an omelet with no meat, fruits with Greek yogurt and I really don't know what else.

Me enjoying my pancake with freshly made raspberry and blueberry syrup.

Daddy's omelet etc

My last bit of croissant.
Then more beach time...

I totally enjoyed my daddy's day off. I can get used to fun stuff like this.

My First Real Hurricane

Its 6:22 AM on Thursday, October 6th, 2016.
According to my parents this is my second hurricane experience. The first was when I was almost 2 years old, I don't remember that. Now am 7 and this is my second and its called Matthew. My family has prepared as much as they can by securing everything on the outside and raised quite a bit of stuff on the inside, just incase of flooding. 

Its starting with quite a lot of wind and according to the hurricane tracker its 60 miles SSE of Nassau where I live.

Inside is very cozy and not humid at all. Watching trees sway and hearing the wind pound on the house is a little scary and reminds me of movie scene. According to the folks at ZNS the eye of this storm is about 40 miles wide. What this means for us is that based on the predicting path both the island of Andros and New Providence. This means we'll be hit by 125 miles per hour winds while the storm crawls through the islands at about 10 miles per hour.

It is important to note that the high tide is around 12 PM and the storm passes us around the same time. The expected storm surge is about 15 feet, while the regular high tide comes in at 4ft. If my addition serves me well that will be a total of approximately 19 ft in the rise of the water on the coast.

Residents seemed not to have been prepared until yesterday but they finally heeded the warnings and have found the shelters and secured homes.

Our local ZNS has coverage.

My mischievous budgies

One Thursday afternoon we rode on the bumpy road to the pet store and got a pair of playful parakeets. We had to purchase a cage for them. Before we got them my mom asked if I wanted love birds instead, I chose the parakeets. The pet store attendant explained the difference between males and females. One was aqua and white with black dots, and the other was light blue and grey, the male. That one I named Sunny and the female I named Rosie.

They had to be fed daily and have fresh water also.

We just fed them and changed their water and whenever the cage was dirty we cleaned it. This happen for a while.

Then one day my daddy said they can learn tricks. When we got home from school and work he showed us that the birds can sit on his finger. I wanted to learn this also. He showed me what to do. The birds were learning. Rosie is very shy and Sunny is learning faster. We let them out in the bedroom. Sunny came on to our fingers but we had to catch Rosie with a cloth. Sunny even came to my mommy and grammy's finger.

At first I was scared but my daddy told me not to be. The birds only nibble a little on your finger and peck you when you squeeze them. I don't want to squeeze them. He told me to talk to them every day and try to pet them so they can be more comfortable with me.

I hope one day I'll be able to hear them talk.

And I found out recently that they are really budgies.

Spectacular pirate adventure: Peter Pan

This evening I had a wonderful spring production although it was very wet outside. The theme was Peter Pan Jr. My part was dancing and I wore a pirate costume.
My pink pirate costume.
It was supposed to be red, white and black but I had no choice because there were no more costumes my size. The teacher who was responsible for the costumes had given me a pink costume. Everyone asked why I was wearing pink, I was just ignoring them and watching the spring production. When I told my mom she just smiled and said, "You're a Leader that's why your costume is different."  But I still worried. When I saw my family smiling I stopped worrying. The pink costume was pretty, I liked it. This production was much shorter than the one for Christmas, most of my classmates did their part well. Everyone clapped at the end and after the production, we went to get ice-cream.

It was a busy evening for me now it's time for bed. First I have to brush my teeth. I promised to take the dentist's advice after my teeth cleaning a few days ago.