Summer school

11:58:00 PM Thalya M 0 Comments

New school

 I started summer school on the 23rd June 2014. My parents told me that in order to attend the new school I had to do summer school for 3 weeks.

Accepted at Queen's College E.L.C
At first I was really excited because I wanted to go to this new school, it's called Queen's College and all the grown ups say its a very good school. I'll be in the Early Learning Centre, they call it ELC. 

Then the morning when I had to start I wasn't excited anymore because I had to wake up early and my school had already closed.

Any way my mom and dad got me ready with snacks and my new swim gear that I was excited about. I even had to have breakfast in the car because we were running late. 

When I got to the new school both my mom and dad took me but they couldn't stay. I felt a little scared but I saw all the other little children and they didn't look scared.


We had devotions then my new teacher told us to change because we we're going to the pool to start our swimming classes. My parents found swim suit for me at SplashDance and the goggles and swim cap came from The Sports Center.
Preparing to be number one in my new swim gear.

I was really excited again. When we got to the pool I was a bit scared again because the water was a little high.

Learning to swim was fun. My swimming coach told us to "push and glide", we all tried it. 

I liked when I could hold my nose, put my head under the water without getting my hair wet and water in my eyes. The teacher said it would be easy and it was.
Learning to hold my breath under water.

I'm enjoying summer school and learning to swim.

I'll tell you all about important tips when using a public pool in my next post.

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