My mischievous budgies

5:40:00 PM Thalya M 2 Comments

One Thursday afternoon we rode on the bumpy road to the pet store and got a pair of playful parakeets. We had to purchase a cage for them. Before we got them my mom asked if I wanted love birds instead, I chose the parakeets. The pet store attendant explained the difference between males and females. One was aqua and white with black dots, and the other was light blue and grey, the male. That one I named Sunny and the female I named Rosie.

They had to be fed daily and have fresh water also.

We just fed them and changed their water and whenever the cage was dirty we cleaned it. This happen for a while.

Then one day my daddy said they can learn tricks. When we got home from school and work he showed us that the birds can sit on his finger. I wanted to learn this also. He showed me what to do. The birds were learning. Rosie is very shy and Sunny is learning faster. We let them out in the bedroom. Sunny came on to our fingers but we had to catch Rosie with a cloth. Sunny even came to my mommy and grammy's finger.

At first I was scared but my daddy told me not to be. The birds only nibble a little on your finger and peck you when you squeeze them. I don't want to squeeze them. He told me to talk to them every day and try to pet them so they can be more comfortable with me.

I hope one day I'll be able to hear them talk.

And I found out recently that they are really budgies.

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